Fife – GOULDING & Co
Here is a nice boxwood fife made by the London firm Goulding & Co. The company was created by George GOULDING (1759-1814) in around 1785 and started out in music publishing.
A fife is a cylindrically bored transverse flute. It is normally made in one piece or sometimes two and tends to have six tone-holes. Its narrow bore makes it produce a loud and piercing sound. Fifes, together with drums, were used as accompaniment for marching foot soldiers. They were used during battles to sound signals. Later, fifes would also be used to accompany dancing.
This boxwood C fife has a nominal pitch of B-flat. It plays at a=430 Hz. It can be dated to around the start of the 1800s. The instrument is playable. We were sad that the fife only had one ferrule when it came to us, so we decided to fit it with a new one.