Alto clarinet – V. KOHLERT’S SÖHNE
This E-flat alto clarinet is made of grenadilla wood and has nickel silver keys and rings. Its total length is 810 mm, including the mouthpiece. It was made by V. Kohlert’s Söhne, Graslitz and this is stamped on the upper joint.
The Kohlert company was founded in 1840 by Vincenz Ferarius KOHLERT in Graslitz, now Kraslice in the Czech Republic. At the turn of the century, the company changed names to V. Kohert Söhne when Vincenz Ferarius died and was then under ownership of his sons, Rudolf, Daniel and Franz. The company became the largest German instrument maker of its time. Its 600 workers produced the whole range of brass, woodwind and double-reed instruments.
This alto clarinet is also stamped Sudetengau – an area of the Czech Republic today that was under the control of the Nazis and existed from 1939 to 1945. We can therefore date the instrument to around that time.
The mouthpiece was made by Noblet in Paris.